The latest assault on freedom is the Food and Drug Administration’s plan to ban Vaping Flavors. That’s right, the government wants to tell adults they are not allowed to use flavored tobacco products. Everyone is overjoyed because it will save the children. Sigh, it’s hard to be a small government Libertarian in this day and age.
I mean, seriously. The federal government of the United States has grown so bloated, so enamored of its own vile power that officials think it’s perfectly acceptable to ban Vaping Flavors. Flavors! The people of this nation have become completely complicit in our own enslavement. We are so frightened, so unwilling to stand up for our rights that we willingly vote in totalitarian fascists who won’t let us smoke mint flavored tobacco, and pat themselves on the back for the wonderful good they are doing in saving us from ourselves.
The First Lady is horrified by teenage vaping and the administration wants to put an end to it. Let me quote President Trump: People are going to watch what we’re saying and parents are going to be a lot tougher with respect to their children. Parse that, if you dare. It’s important to understand that by teenage vaping they are talking about people eighteen and nineteen. They’ve already outlawed most tobacco products for people under eighteen.
What Trump is saying is that the Federal Government knows better what is right for your children, and for you, than you do yourself. That once the Federal Government leads the way in banning Vaping Flavors the people will immediately see the error of their ways and stop allowing their children to do it. This doesn’t even take into account that every adult who enjoys vaping mint flavored tobacco will instantly become a criminal.
If you want to vape a tasty flavor you will be a criminal. You will have to go to some black-market purveyor of Bubble Gum Flavored Tobacco Vape and, in a dark alley watching out for gun toting law enforcement officers, slip money to a shady operator who shipped in the dangerous product from the mint producing nations of the world where there is still some freedom.
I’m flat out disgusted by our politicians and by the voters who put them into office. I’m baffled as to how this is happening. We will soon no longer be free to enjoy flavored tobacco. How can the people of this country look themselves in the mirror? Have we no understanding of freedom left?
Tom Liberman
Hi Tom. I wasn’t aware of this until I saw your post. I totally agree with you. I do believe it is the responsibility of our Government to ensure the safety of our children, but vape flavoring agents are not the problem. In my opinion children don’t vape because they are tasty. They vape for the same reason they smoke. Vaping is simply easier than smoking because you can do it in the bathroom and no one can tell. The vapor has virtually no residue after a few seconds after exhaled and leaves no scent on clothing or breath. The disposable vape pens (including THC-based vapes) are so small and discrete that they are easier to smuggle than traditional cigarettes and more durable. We have laws that say don’t sell to people under 18. That’s how the government protects our kids. The rest of it is up to us as parents, teachers, role models, etc. This would be like banning motorcycles because it is more likely you will be injured on a bike than in a car when an accident occurs. – Alcohol use is also on the rise in children. Should the government ban new drinks like the soda-based beverages [Truly for example] that look, smell, and taste just like a fruit flavored water because it’s more attractive to kids and easier to conceal?