Watson is Watson not Sherlock


I finished watching the pilot episode of Watson and I came away shaking my head in disbelief. I’m an enormous Sherlock Holmes fan. I’ve read all the official Arthur Conan Doyle stories and novels and a number of Holmes stories by other authors.

When I heard about a new Sherlock Holmes spinoff television show, Watson, excitement flowed through my neurons, as did fear. Excitement because it seemed like a new spin on the Sherlock Holmes lore with the potential to be quite interesting. Fear because it might disappoint. No spoilers here, my disappointment is immeasurable, and my day is ruined. Why? Let’s discuss.

So Many Things Wrong with Watson

There are many things wrong with Watson and most of them are the same problems manifested in a lot of shows these days. A lot of exposition, too many pretty people playing roles for which they clearly are not suited, fast-paced dialog that is impossible to follow, and lots of mumbling. Having mentioned all those horrors, they are not the major problem with the show.

The Big Problem with Watson

Watson is Sherlock! I’m not kidding. The character of Watson is not playing the character of Watson. He’s playing Sherlock Holmes. Watson is the solid and discreet companion. He is the stalwart friend. He is kind. He is sturdy. He is a people person.

Sherlock Holmes is a jerk. He’s addicted to cocaine. He’s not a people person. He’s intolerant of those who don’t have his exceptional gifts. He’s condescending. He’s impatient.

In the pilot, Watson is Holmes. He’s not Watson. He’s the genius diagnostic physician who through observation and Wikipedic knowledge of diseases is able to figure out what ails the patient. Eventually patients.

He’s condescending to his staff. He’s addicted to pills. He’s brusque. He’s overbearing in his know-it-all attitude.

What were they Thinking?

Who is this show designed to please? Anyone who is a Sherlock Holmes fan knows this isn’t a show about Watson, it’s a show about Dr. Sherlock. The show is titled Watson! Watson. The entire show is advertised as being about Watson. I’m utterly baffled.

Would I like to see a modern and reimagined Watson navigating the world? Yes, by golly, I would. I’m not exactly sure how such a show would work, I could put on my writer’s cap and likely come up with something but that’s not my job today.

Did anyone like it? Why? I’d be interested in hearing what you have to say.

Tom Liberman

State Mandated Education is the Road Paved with Good Intentions

State Mandated Education

I just read yet another article about how state mandated education goals cause problems. In this case it’s a requirement that eighth grade students take a mandatory algebra class in Minnesota. A lot of these good intentions started way back in 2002 when President Bush signed the No Child Left Behind Act.

I was against that law and I’m against most of the state mandated education reforms going on across the country, usually promoted as some sort of parental rights legislation. Why am I against them? Is it because I hate Republicans, I hate Democrats? Nope.

To Algebra or Not to Algebra

In this case the mandate is forcing kids who are completely unready for algebra classes to take them. They can’t do them. It’s just an enormous waste of time for many students and school districts.

Local Education is Local

The problem is not democrats, it’s not republicans, it’s the state telling local schools what they must do. I’ve written about this before when it comes to the school year and my general argument stands. There is no possible way for the state to make a single curriculum that serves the various communities across that state.

We have urban schools, rural schools, schools in wealthy communities, schools in poverty-stricken communities, schools with the best and highest paid teachers, schools with whatever teacher they can get to show up that day, big schools with thousands of students, small schools with dozens. The idea that a single, state mandated education curriculum can work for all of them is beyond stupidity, it crosses over into insanity.

I’m sure the politicians promoting these various schemes, on both sides of the political divide, have the best intentions. Well, frankly, I’m not even sure about that but I’ll give them the benefit of the doubt. It cannot work in all situations.

That’s why state mandated education goals, and federal for that matter, are always a bad idea, even if they are a good idea in some school districts.

Local School Boards should decide curriculum

The local school board is closest to the situation and they should make the decisions. The state shouldn’t be telling rural districts they must be teach black history anymore than they should be telling urban districts they can’t teach it. It’s the same state overreach, republican and democrat.

Yes, there will be local school boards who decide on a curriculum that offends some people. In religious communities there will be religious orientated lessons taught by religious teachers. Tough. Likewise, in some areas religion will be completely excluded from the education process. Don’t like it, that I understand, but trying to force what you want on others is wrong.


The challenges that face local school districts are significant. The people trying to solve them sometimes fail, sometimes they are corrupt, but when the state and federal government come in with mandates it doesn’t help the situation, it makes it worse.

Tom Liberman

Why Good Rules are Important

Good Rules

The 2024 Chess Rapid and Blitz World Championship just wrapped up and boy oh boy did we have a lot of controversy in relation to good rules, or the lack thereof. It was quite an exciting event for a number of reasons, but dress-code problems and lack of tiebreakers resulted in some rather unfortunate incidents.

The problems largely stem, in my opinion, from the lack of good rules. If you have vague rules or rules that don’t take into account the reality of the world, you’re going to have problems, sooner or later. In this case; sooner.

Good Rules in Dress-Code

The first problem came from bad dress-code rules. The organization that runs the tournament, FIDE, has a rule against competitors wearing jeans. Well, sort of. Jeans are generally not allowed. I’ve went to a few clubs back in the old days where they had no jeans rules although they generally allowed dressy jeans.

In any case, apparently that’s what Magnus Carlsen, the defending champion in both Rapid and Blitz, thought. He showed up for the second day of the event wearing a nice pair of jeans. Not blue jeans. Dark colored jeans, well stitched, looking fairly nice. He played the first two rapid games with no issues. Then he was approached after the third game and told to change into slacks.

Carlson, who was already embroiled in several issues with FIDE, said there was only one round left in the day, that he’d make sure to wear slacks for the third day but that he didn’t want to rush back to the hotel, change, and then rush back to the game as any sort of delay might cause him to be late.

That wasn’t good enough for FIDE so they didn’t pair him for the fourth game. He then left in a huff and said he was done with the tournament.

To my mind, good rules are the solution here. Jeans are not allowed is a good rule. Jeans are not generally allowed is a bad rule. Show up wearing jeans and you don’t play in the first round. You don’t get told after you’ve already played three rounds that you can’t play in the fourth. What a mess.

Anyway, Carlson relented the next day and agreed to play in the Blitz portion of the event. This takes us to the next problem arising from a lack of good rules.

No Tiebreaks

Way back in 1984 the World Chess Championship between Anatoly Karpov and Gary Kasparov went on for over five months and resulted in serious health concerns for the players. This because the match went on until someone won six games. After that debacle the World Chess Championship was limited to 24 games with ties going to the defending champion.

Nobody really liked that format either so eventually events were decided either by mathematical tiebreaks or an Armageddon game in which the player with the white pieces has more time but if the game ends in a draw the player with black pieces wins. This is now the format for almost every tournament in the world.

Unfortunately, FIDE, decided there would be no tiebreaks in this tournament. Well, you guessed it. The players in the finals, Magnus Carlsen and Ian Nepomniachtchi ended up in a tie. It’s important to note they both played in the quarter-finals and semi-finals the same day as the finals. That’s a lot of exhausting chess for one day. Then they played four winner-take-all tiebreak games. Four more draws. Now the players were exhausted, the New Year celebration was on the horizon.

The two players decided they’d prefer to share the title than continue on in a match which would be won simply by sheer exhaustion rather than skill over the board. For now, FIDE allowed this compromise to stand although I suspect it will be reviewed.


The problem, of course, was the lack of good rules. Just have a tiebreaker. It’s not that hard to figure out. They do it in tennis now instead of having endless extra games. They do it in hockey with a shootout, during the regular season at least. They do it in futbol with shootouts.

With travel for players and fans, television obligations, venue issues, and other problems associated with the modern world, endless matches really just don’t work anymore and they certainly are not fair to the players.

Good rules, good games.

Tom Liberman