Counter Strike Global Offensive Gambling Correlation

Counter Strike Global Offensive

Almost everyone knows about Luigi Mangione and the murder of Brian Thompson but most of you are probably unaware of what is happening with Counter Strike Global Offensive. Much like the murder of Thompson, there are no good guys in this story but the news of both gives us an insight into some of the problems facing the world right now.

Counter Strike Global Offensive, technically Counter Strike 2 now but most call it CS:GO, is a gambling website and computer game. Many people who play the game simply do so to gamble and this includes a lot of young people. There is tremendous damage being done and people are angry.

Counter Strike Global Offensive and Skins

Valve, the developer of Counter Strike Global Offensive, introduced skins to the game back in 2013. These skins are cosmetic items applied to weapons. No big deal so far. These skins are popular and Valve runs a cash store where people can sell their skins to other players for money. Valve takes a percentage of this money, estimated at over a billion dollars in 2023. That’s Valve’s cut, not the entire value of the sales. Just their cut of it.

How do people get skins? They get them by playing or buying in-game weapon cases for $2.49. The items in the weapon case are randomly generated, with most of them being of low or no value. The rare skins sell for many thousands of dollars. This created an industry where influencers purchase these weapon cases live on their streams and, when they get high value items, respond with over-the-top excitement.

These influences draw in young people who want to win. They, in turn, spend enormous amounts of money on the weapon cases, hoping for financial return. It’s, for all intensive purposes, gambling. Many young people suffer enormous negative outcomes from this gambling. They use their parents’ money and cause financial hardships.

It’s bad.

Personal Responsibility with Counterstrike Global Offensive

Don’t get me wrong. I do think people who purchase these weapon cases are largely to blame for their own financial suffering. No one forced them to buy the cases. That being said, there is a lot of rage out there against the influencers who promote this destructive gambling. The same rage we see from people who are delayed, deposed, and denied in the healthcare industry.

Think if your child destroyed the family finances and their own future because they emulated an influencer who was pretending to gamble.

No Legal Recourse

Fueling the rage is the lack of legal recourse, both in Counter Strike Global Offensive and the Healthcare industry. People suffer, for years, horribly, and the courts ignore them, finding for the side who can pay for better lawyers.

The Palpable Rage

The rage is enormous. People who suffered want someone to pay, in the same way Mangione wanted Thompson to pay. Coffeezilla just released the first installment of his take on this and it’s a fascinating watch.

People are organized, they harass, they threaten, they incite. They think they are doing the right thing; they are certain our courts have abandoned them, that they, the little guy, has been sold out. They might be right.

Big money is winning and we the people are losing. Rural, urban, right-wing, left-wing, Christian, Atheist, young, old, sick. Liberté, égalité, fraternité doesn’t always end politely.

Tom Liberman

Boneless Chicken Wings with Bones

Boneless Chicken Wings with Bones

It’s hard to believe I’m just now hearing about the Ohio Supreme Court case involving boneless chicken wings with bones which was decided back in July, but here we are.

What is this boneless chicken wings with bones case all about? It’s not quite as straight-forward as you might imagine. Michael Berkheimer had some boneless chicken wings at a restaurant named Wings. He ordered his usual boneless chicken wings. He ate them. A small bone got lodged in his esophagus and ended up causing extensive damage requiring multiple surgeries.

He sued and that’s where it all gets legal.

Is it a violation to have boneless chicken wings with bones?

The case went through several courts before arriving at the Ohio Supreme Court. The court decided that boneless is a term meaning cooking style, not an absence of bones. They dismissed the case with the author of the opinion writing the following: A diner reading ‘boneless wings’ on a menu would no more believe that the restaurant was warranting the absence of bones in the items than believe that the items were made from chicken wings, just as a person eating ‘chicken fingers’ would know that he had not been served fingers.

I think it can be argued that it’s possible a bone might accidently slip into a boneless chicken wing and therefore Mr. Berkheimer is not entitled to sue Wings or their supplier. I disagree, but I do think it’s an argument.

Can a Jury Decide if Boneless Chicken Wings with Bones is actionable?

Here’s where things get incredibly dubious, at least in my opinion. The Ohio Supreme Court argues that Mr. Berkheimer cannot even bring the case to a jury. They dismissed the case as unwinnable. No reasonable person might think the boneless chicken wings with bones is actionable.

It’s clear to me, and virtually everyone else who’s been writing about this case since July when it first appeared, a reasonable person might well find Wings and their suppliers liable. Of course, it’s possible they might not find them so. But to suggest the case is unwinnable, that no reasonable person would find for Mr. Berkheimer, smells deeply of corruption. Of judges bowing the will of their moneyed masters.


The system is rigged against people without the financial resources to influence court cases. That’s the facts.

Tom Liberman

Abolition of Time Zones

Abolition of Time Zones

If you want freedom then you’ll join me in supporting the abolition of times zones. Our eager politicians are once again attempting to impress us with their busy-body, do-nothing ideas, discussing whether or not to abolish Daylight Savings Time. Meanwhile, no one even considers what I think is the best solution to the problem. Coordinated Universal Time.

What is the nature of the problem in the first place? The earth is an oblate spheroid, despite what some few people seem to actually believe. It’s daylight in some places and night in others. How do we solve this problem? Let me explain.

Same Time Everywhere? Are you insane Tom?

It seems like a farcical idea at first glance. How can it be 9:00 a.m. in New York City and Los Angeles at the same time. In one it’s breakfast and the other lunch. The problem is our nomenclature using a.m. and p.m. and terms like noon and midnight.

Imagine it’s just 00:00 to 24:00. So, it’s 09:00 in New York and California at the same time. As long as we don’t imbue the time of day with the position of the sun in the sky, it makes no difference. People in those two places will soon come to associate 09:00 with breakfast or lunch. It doesn’t really make any difference how we number things, it’s just numbers.

Why is the Abolition of Time Zones Better?

It’s better for a couple of simple reasons. Coordinating activities of people across our country is much easier. You don’t need to calculate time changes anymore. If you’re flying, if you’re having an online meeting, if you’re planning a phone call; you just say what time it is and everyone is on the same page without any tricky calculations. Is Bob in Mountain Time? Does Sara work on the west coast? None of it matters anymore.

Even better, from my point of view, is the freedom this gives us. One of the main reasons we have Daylight Savings Time is that we don’t want people having to get up and go to school and work when it is still dark outside.

In this system it’s up to every individual community and business to make that decision. As winter begins to set in and the days get shorter; a school district or an individual business can change their starting time. Let’s move back the start day to 08:30 on October 15 and 09:00 on December 15. Basically, it gives us the most amount of flexibility.

An urban school district and a rural school district can make their own decisions and leave the government all the way out of their business.

Why is Abolition of Time Zones Worse?

It’s not a perfect solution, certainly. The moment the day changes will be a little strange. We will go from Monday to Tuesday at 00:00 but that won’t be in the middle of the night for everyone. Still, not a major issue from my perspective and one people will get used to quickly enough.

The biggest problem is coordinating activities on a local level with other communities. If one school district, or business, has pushed their day’s end to 16:00 while another is at 15:00 then activities involving both entities might overlap on school and work time. A baseball game between two such schools might start while the second school is still in session. Hardly insurmountable but admittedly a nuisance.


I think the benefits of local freedom over government control far outweigh the nuisances and it will put an end to all the politicians blithering on about how they know what’s best for all of us. They don’t. They can’t make a system that is best for every business, every school district. It’s impossible. Therefore, let us decide for ourselves.

Tom Liberman

The Penguin is Just Plain Boring

The Penguin

It’s not often a comic book adaptation is boring, but The Penguin manages it with honors. Full disclosure, I am not generally a fan of comic book movies. They are usually ridiculously stupid with contrived action sequences, over the top special effects used to replace meaningful dialog and filled with enormous plot holes. Not that The Penguin doesn’t suffer from some of this as well.

The bigger problem is the show is just plain boring. There are huge segments of nothing happening in order to get us to a boring soliloquy that is supposed to touch us emotionally. Rage, sympathy, understanding, pity, whatever. None of it works.

The Penguin

What is The Penguin about? It’s about the rise of Oswald Cobblepot from organized crime button man to the king of crime in Gotham City. It follows on the heels of The Batman movie in which Colin Farrel played the titular character.

Oz, as he is called throughout the series because he has yet to earn The Penguin sobriquet, is a member of the Falcone crime family at the beginning. He murders the newly crowned boss of the family in a fit of rage and events spiral from there. His main foil is the sister of the boss, Sofia, played by Cristin Miloti.

He also picks up Victor as a sidekick when the boy attempts to steal hubcaps from the Penguin Mobile.

Why is it so Boring?

I’m going to have to get into a little bit of my own writing experience in order to explain why I think the show ended up so incredibly dull. I couldn’t make it through most episodes and was looking at my phone for extended periods.

When I write a novel, I try to flesh out pretty much everything that is going to happen. This includes most of the important scenes, conflicts, various resolution points, and, of course the ending. What I don’t have finalized in my mind is the vital middle work. In order for my big scenes to have meaning, I’ve got to lead up to them. I have to lay the groundwork. I must include foreshadowing, character development, and other writing elements in order to get the audience immersed and ready for the big scene.

This is the hard work of a novel, at least for me it is. The big scenes are easy to write. They largely write themselves. What’s hard is getting to them.

I think the writers did a pretty good job of imagining the big scenes. They knew where they wanted to get. The Penguin, Sofia, Victor, or another minor character has a big, long soliloquy all ready to go, all ready to punch home a point to the audience.

The problem is twofold. First, there are far too many big speeches, three or four an episode at least. It’s impossible to lay the groundwork for that many monologues. It’s almost like they pretty much gave up even trying. We skip over everything in order to rush from one big, boring speech to the next. The speeches themselves are probably pretty good, they are certainly acted powerfully, but because there is no buildup, they left me flat, bored.

One Example

I don’t want to waste a lot of your time giving example after example of what I’m talking about so I’ll only give one. Oswald sways the other crime families to his side. He gives a big speech while passing out beers from a ridiculously oversized cooler.

Ok, great. That could be interesting. The problem is we’ve barely seen any of the other families, there are no scenes where they are convinced to come to the big meeting. They are just there, the scene prefabricated and ready for the speech. Who are they? The Tongs are the only one we’ve sort of met. Other than that, just actors standing around pretending to look impressed.

I’m not invested because nothing led me to this moment. I suppose the big speech is fine although the oversized cooler really does bother me. I mean, there are like ten people there. Ok, enough, must move on.

Lots of Torture

As a side note, there is way too much torture. I guess that turns some people on. Baddies getting tortured. I don’t like it. It’s just awful. The episode about Sofia was impossible to watch. It was designed to get us into her mindset for when her big speeches come but it was just gratuitous and unhelpful.

If you like torture, well, have no fear, there is yet another torture scene coming soon.

Other Aspects

The acting is good, the music is fine, the sets are largely great, the cinematography is well done. The production values are top notch throughout. I honestly think, and judging by the predominantly positive reviews, this is the sort of thing people want. Hollywood knows what they are doing, I guess.


It’s not for me.

Tom Liberman

Flag Planting and Dick Swinging

Dick Swinging

Well, rivalry week is over in college football, and I had the joy of reading about half a dozen dick swinging, er, I mean flag planting incidents. The Michigan v. Ohio State game was probably the biggest news as far as dick swinging, er, I mean flag planting in college football, but we actually had a number of incidents all across this brave and free nation of ours.

Nebraska v. Iowa, Texas A&M v. Texas, North Carolina State v. North Carolina, Florida v. Florida State and probably half a dozen more I don’t even know about. Hooray. It’s good to see all those dicks, er I mean flags, are bigger and better than yours.

What is with all this Dick Swinging, er I mean Flag Planting?

Basically, rivalry week in college football is when two traditional rivals play each other. It’s fairly straight-forward concept designed to generate a lot of enthusiasm from fans, players, luxury box owners, and particularly television viewers. By that I mean money.

What happens is when the visiting team wins the game they wish to celebrate. All well and good. You win the game, go right ahead and celebrate. Lately the celebration seems to include dick swinging, er, I mean flag planting. This is when the visiting team runs to the center of the field, pulls out their insecure, tiny little dick, er I mean flag, and plunges it into soft, yielding turf where their opponents’ logo is painted.

What heroes. What brave men. What considerate guests.

The home team then rushes forward, their own dicks, er, I mean flags a waving and attempt to forcibly pull their opponents’ dick, er I mean flag, out of the soft yielding turf or prevent the penetration all together. It’s a glory to behold.

College football, the great and glorious home to the dick swingers, I mean flag planters. Aren’t we proud?

Tom Liberman